Finally at the end of this colourful month of October, my new garden studio is open for classes, and what better than to be celebrating the rich palette of this Autumn season!

The studio is a light and airy space that can hold four students and me.
I plan to hold some new workshops and a variety of taster classes introducing people to new materials and techniques as well as providing a space for regular classes.
Currently, classes take place on Wednesday mornings from 10:30am to 1:00pm.
I am now going to be able to offer other days and times, and also one-to-one sessions. Whilst my passion is for mixed media, I can introduce students to many art disciplines including a range of drawing skills and the use of other materials.

My mission as always is to offer a supportive and relaxing space where people can try out new skills, build confidence and make new friends. There is always plenty of advice and encouragement on hand, and a genuine desire to empower people to experiment and learn.
Please keep an eye on my events page for up and coming new sessions.

Another event due to take place over a weekend at the end of November is the Chipping Campden Art Society art show and sale. I am delighted to have become a member of this society and to be able to take part in this event with such a lot of talented artists.